There are 10 keys to hitting a 7 iron. They include:
- Controlling the bottom of your swing on a consistent basis
- Controlling the start line of your shots with a 7 iron
- Controlling the curve of your shot
- Having enough distance to play the course
- Being strategic and realistic with your 7 iron
- Pick the right targets
- Speed out front
- Know your yardage
- Divot past the ball
- Swing with confidence
Tired of not hitting your 7 iron far enough? Does it seem like all of your buddies are hitting their 7 iron 150 yards or more and you get no distance?
Or maybe you launch it high and far, but you have no idea where the ball is going?
One time it starts left and curves left, another time it starts right and curves right and you just can’t seem to get a clue on where the ball might end.
So you step up to par 3’s or scorable par 4s and spray the ball all over the place.
The reality is that once you get to your 7 iron on up, you should be able to start to think about scoring. The best golfers in the world are able to hit the green and make a par from 150 yards to 175 yards and we should strive for something similar.
The game of golf can be confusing, there are many different tips and recommendations that can almost cause us to free over the ball. Below, I will provide 5 keys and tips to help you play better golf as soon as possible.
The goal that many golfers have is to be consistent. We all dream of having a small shot dispersion and making clean contact a high percentage of the time.
Well, I am here to help and provide you with they keys and tips that can get you started on the right path today.
Update: My 7 iron currently flies on average around 167 yards. I give a lot of credit to the SuperSpeed Training system and my constant pursuit of extra speed and distance. This combined with the controlling the low point and striking it solid is a great recipe for accurate, yet quality distance!

How To Hit A 7 Iron
Before we dive into the 10 keys and tips to hitting a 7 iron, let’s first discuss the fundamentals of golf and the ball flight laws of golf.
These will serve as a basic overview and help make the 5 keys and tips more beneficial to your game.
Understanding the Fundamentals of Golf
The Stack and Tilt Instructors said it best when they described what they believed were the fundamentals of golf. They explained it somewhat similar to this:
- The first fundamental is the golfer’s ability to control the bottom of the golf swing. The best golfers will hit the ground in the intended spot, close to 100% of the time.
- The second fundamental is the golfer’s ability to control the curve of the golf ball. The best golfers are able to start the ball to the right or left of the target line and have the ball curve towards the target without the ball over curving past the target.
- The third fundamental is the golfer’s ability to have enough power to play the golf course. This means they are able to hit the ball far enough to play the course in regulation.
They explained that among the greatest golfers of all time there were different grips and different aim points. The fundamentals in golf are not grip, and alignment.
Ben Hogan played with a weak grip, while Lee Trevino had a strong grip. Lee Trevino and Fred Couples aimed way to the right, while Sam Snead and Arnold Palmer aimed well to the right.
You can have some variety and some simple adjustments in your setup, grip and alignment and still perform at a high level with the 3 fundamentals of golf.
The next understanding that allows us to make adjustments are the Ball Flight Laws. Once you have a working knowledge of the ball flight laws, you can make adjustments and read your own shots and determine what is needed.
I take you through these ball flight laws and then provide 4 examples. See if one of the examples matches up with your common issue in the result of your golf shot.

Understanding The Ball Flight Laws
Why? If you understand the ball flight laws you can start to become your own swing instructor and make corrections on the range or the course by reading the flight of your golf ball.
Too often golfers turn to the video of their swing when everything you need to know can be read off of your ball flight. Did you know that your ball flight can tell you the following:
- Where your club face was at impact.
- If your swing path was left or right of the club face.
Once you know these two items you can make the corrections by checking out our 2nd Tip on understanding what swing thoughts can help you get the proper matchups.
So let’s dive into the ball flight laws:
- Generally speaking, the golf ball will start where the club face is aiming.
- The golf ball will then curve away from the swing path.
There are two different lines that we must understand. The target line and the start line. The best golfers start the ball left or right of the target line and then curve the ball back towards the target.
Let’s go over some examples to help you better understand the ball flight laws.
Example A: Let’s say that the club face is 3 degrees right of the target line and the swing path is 5 degrees right of the target line. What will the ball do?
Answer: The ball will start right of the target line and draw back towards the target. This is known as a push draw.
Example B: Let’s say the club face is 3 degrees right of the target line, same as in example A, but the swing path is only 1 degree right of the target line. What will the ball do?
Answer: The ball will start to the right of the target line and will fade to the right. Keep in mind that the ball will curve away from the swing path. In this example, both the club face and the swing path are to the right and the ball will curve away from the path.
Example C: Let’s say the club face is 3 degrees to the left of the target line and the swing path is 5 degrees left of the target line. What will the ball do?
Answer: The ball will start to the left and curve to the right. This would be a pull fade or pull slice. Keep in mind that even though the face is closed to the target line, it is open to the swing path and the ball will curve away from the swing path.
Example D: Let’s say the club face is 3 degrees to the left and the swing path is only 1 degree to the left. What will the ball do?
Answer: The ball will start left and curve left. This shot would look like a pull draw.
Hopefully, these examples help you understand the club face and swing path correlation and how they match up. Once you understand these ball flight laws, it will help you read your own shots and possibly make in round adjustments.
Key #1: Controlling the Bottom of your Swing on a Consistent Basis
The bottom of your swing makes a significant difference in the ball contact and the distance that your shot travels. A major flaw that robs you of distance is when the ball is not properly struck and you either hit it fat or thin.
By controlling the bottom of your swing, you can properly compress the ball and start to maximize the swing speed you are delivering to the ball.
The lower the handicap golfers are able to strike the ground in the same spot 99 times out of 100. While the high handicap golfer might only be able to do this 50% of the time. Controlling the bottom of your swing is vital.
If you are struggling to strike the ground in the same spot every time, I would recommend painting a line in your backyard and without a ball or maybe a wiffle ball, practice controlling the bottom of your swing.
Related: How far should you hit a 7 iron?
Tip #1: Place Your Weight Forward to control where the club strikes the ball
Some of the instruction that took place in the 1990s and early 2000s had golfers starting neutral, shifting to their back leg and then shifting forward. Unless you were spending 10 plus hours a week practicing this movement, it was hard to gain any consistency.
Instead, place 60% of the weight on your front foot at address and maintain that weight in the backswing swing and then increase on the down swing. This will help ensure that you get close to 90-100% of the weight on your front foot at impact. It seems so simple doesn’t it?
Get rid of the thought of shifting back and through the shot and instead turn and pivot around that front left.
Think of how an NFL field goal kicker approaches the ball. That plant foot goes into the ground and the body rotates around that front leg to produce some speed and power.
The golf swing can work the same way!
Key #2: Controlling the start line of your shots with a 7 iron
Once again, we have a scoring club in our hand. We have to be able to hit the green at least 70% of the time and two putt to make par. However, we need to know where the ball is going.
Now that we have solid contact taking place, we can focus on starting the ball on the right line.
The best golfers in the world and even those with single digit handicaps can control the start line of their ball at least 80% of the time and this increases closer to 90% when the 7 iron is in hand. We want to focus on the club face angle and the swing path.
Think back to the ball flight laws. If you want to hit a slight push draw, you will want your face slightly open and then your path to the right of the club path.
This will help produce that stock draw shot. This is a wonderful shot to play and brings great options in all weather conditions including wind. You can control the height by reducing the loft.
Related: 6 Iron vs 7 Iron
Tip #2: Utilize a Drill and Measure Your Progress
I would highly recommend a drill where you place an alignment stick between 6 to 8 yards in front of you at the driving range or at a golf simulator.
Work on starting the ball right of the target line. See if you can do this 8 out of 10 times. Complete this drill several times a week and see if you make improvement throughout the year and how it correlates with your golf scores throughout the year.
A key to this is making sure you select a target off in the distance from standing behind the ball. On the course commit to that line and work on getting the club face down that start line.
Stay committed to the shot as you approach your ball and know that it might look a bit too far to the right, but commit to the shot.
Here is the drill explained:
Key #3: Controlling the Curve Of Your Shot
Once you start to make solid contact and can control the start line of your shot, the next key is to control the curve of the ball. With a 7 iron this can be accomplished and somewhat controlled.
Some people prefer to play the same stock shot regardless of the pin location. Many recommend this swing because many amateurs don’t have hours up hours to practice working the ball both ways.
I think both approaches can work, but prefer to hit the stock draw shot 90% of the time.
Controlling the curve starts with having a club face and path that do not have too big of gaps in the numbers. If your path is 12 degrees right and your face is only 2 degrees right, you shot will start right, but hook hard. We know this from the ball flight laws.
Strive to have your path and face within 1-3 degrees. If you have a 3-4 degree path to the right, you clubface should probably be in that 1-3 to the right range.
This will help produce a push draw that has a beautiful ball flight. You will soon be the envy of your golf buddies with your ability to hit that pro style draw shot that starts right and falls towards the flag.
Related: What is a 7 iron used for?
Tip #3: Utilize a Golf Launch Monitor and/or Ball Flight Laws, Adjust Your Setup
One way I monitor this is with my SkyTrak Launch Monitor. It provides great ball data on the start line and side spin and spin axis along with the visual I have on my simulator setup.
I know that if my ball starts to over draw, that my path is probably getting too far right. My typical path is between 3-4 degrees to the right of the target line.
You can utilize your setup to produce shots that curve more or slightly less depending on the setup. For a draw, if you can adjust your setup and close your stance or shoulders slightly to produce a more in to our swing path that will help you swing to the right of your club face.
This almost guarantees a draw. Be patient from the top and let the arms fall down your feet or shoulder line with a face aimed straight down the line and you will hit a draw.
For other shots, play around with your stance and setup and if you can make those pre shot adjustments your consistency and ability to work the ball is getting near!
Check out Shawn Clement on Pre Setting your stance to match the shot you want to hit:
Key #4: Having Enough Distance to Play the Course
While accuracy is important in the game of golf, only hitting a 7 iron 100 yards could be problematic to playing the course. Unfortunately, as we all age we tend to lose distance over the years.
However, there are different options to ensure you maintain the speed in your swing and possibly even add speed. Phil Mickelson can serve as an inspiration for us all.
He has gained 3-4 miles per hour in his drive swing through training with SuperSpeed Training System.
Don’t settle for losing yards and find a way to gain distance and hit more 7 irons into greens instead of fairway woods or hybrids.
Related: Ball position for 7 Iron (2 Options)
Tip #4: Swing Faster – Add Speed To Your Swing Through Speed Training Protocols
Do not settle for losing speed each year with your swing or think that you need to buy a new driver every year. Instead, check out the SuperSpeed Golf Overspeed Training system that can add 5-8% to your swing speed as soon as the first training session.
This training protocol only takes 10-15 minutes 3 times a week. It has worked for me and it can work for you! I was able to take my average driver speed from 98-100 all the way up to 104-107 miles per hour.
Most recently I played a 4 person scramble in an outing and hit drives close to 300 yards with my newly added speed. The training system is easy to use, the protocols are all laid out, and the science supports the system.
Related: How to hit a 7 iron 200 yards
You have to check it out! If you want a $10 discount make sure you use Golfjourney365 as a discount code at link below:
Is SuperSpeed Golf not for you? We have one other option that you might want to check out!
Swing Man Golf: Gain 30-40 yards in 30 Days – Swing Man Golf
Key #5 – Be strategic in your game management
The key with the majority of the clubs is playing to the bigger portions of the greens. If you can aim for the bigger portions and then try to work the ball towards the flag you will have an advantage over your playing partners.
This goes back to key #3 of being able to control the curvature of your golf ball. This helps widen fairways and makes your greens in regulation hit increase. This will give you greater confidence over the 6 iron when you stand there in fear.
Instead replace that fear with the confidence that you will strike the ball solid, with enough swing speed and that you have control over the curvature of your ball.
If this sounds difficult, it can be achieved. It will take some practice time, but following Shawn Clement in his approach can help you get there quicker.
Tip #5 – Think about your course strategy
The guides I have created on getting your game to the next level spend a significant amount of time on course management. Make sure to check out what level you are trying to get to.
Golf Sidekick is amazing on his youtube channel of providing advice on course strategy. He is worth checking out. Here is my favorite video that he has produced on Super Stress Free Golf
Key #6: Pick the right targets
The right targets for any club are essential to your overall success. Not only can the right target keep you out of trouble and avoiding big numbers, but they also help you keep positive thoughts and confidence through your round of golf. This starts with the right target and also includes managing your expectations in the game of golf.
Did you know the average proximity to pin on the PGA Tour in the 150-175 yard range if 28.5’
Yes amateurs might aim right at the pin from 150 and be upset if they don’t stick the shot to 10 feet.
A shot on the green with a 7 iron is a quality shot for the majority of amateurs. When you happen to hit one inside of 20 feet, you are gaining shots on your competition!
Related: Chipping with a 7 iron
Tip #6: Manage your expectations
Here are some key stats to help you with your 7 iron and every other club in your bag:
- The average proximity to the pin from a 100 yard shot in the fairway on the PGA Tour is 18 feet.
- The average proximity to the pin from 125-150 yards from the fairway on the PGA Tour is 23’4”
- The average proximity to the pin from 150-175 yards from the fairway on the PGA Tour is 28’6”
- The average make percentage from 8 feet on the PGA Tour is 50%
Related: How to hit a 7 iron straight
Key #7: Speed Out Front
The best contact for the majority of golfers occurs when they focus on producing speed past the ball. Too many golfers dump their angles and their speed well before the club arrives at the ball. This leads to inconsistent contact and a loss of distance.
Tip #7: 2 Key Swing Thoughts
I have found a ton of success with this swing thought with every club in the bag. I either think of reaching full extensions and speed int he 1-3 feet just past the ball or completing the swing up and over my left shoulder.
Related: How to hit a 3 iron
Key #8: Know Your Yardage
I have seen this scene way too many times from my golfing partners. They step up to a 155 yard par 3 with a bunker in front. They hit a solid 7 iron, but end up short in the bunker. They proceed to hit a poor bunker shot and make a double bogey. Does this sound familiar? Too many golfers have the yardage they believe they hit their club based on their best shots, instead of their actual average.
Related: How can I improve my distance control
Tip #8: Map Your Bag
I would recommend using a launch monitor and hitting 10 shots with each club in the bag. Take the average and even consider eliminating outliers from your average. You want a realistic distance that you are going to hit your club a high percentage of the time!
Related: Average wedge distance (9 Golfers Tested)
Key #9: Divot Past the Ball
If you want to reach your full potential with your distance of each club, the divot has to start after you hit the golf ball. Too many golfers hit the ground prior to the ball and they struggle with solid contact and a loss of distance.
Tip #9: Low Point Control Drill
Use the low point control drill and focus on hitting the target side of the line.
The Drill: The Low Point Control Drill
- Take some yard paint and paint a 1-2 yard long line.
- Setup with 55% of your weight on your front side.
- Try to hit the target side of the line and see how many times out of 10 you can do this successfully!
- Repeat this drill every day for a month, tracking your progress and your ability to to this successfully in trials of ten.
- You may need to start with half swing and progress to full swings.
If you are struggling, put more weight forward and work on keeping your head still to help control the low point in the swing.
Key #10: Swing With Confidence
If you want to hit a good shot, you might as well attempt to high confidence. The golfer doubting the result will often make a tentative swing resulting in a poor outcome. Pick your target, go through your routine and swing with confidence. Stop trying to control everything and instead let it go!
Related: 3 Mental Game Resourses
Tip #10: Have fun
Don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the journey of getting better!
Final Tip:
I purchased a Golf Simulator Package and set it up in my garage over 5 years ago. I have now played over 1000 rounds of golf and have added 4-7 miles per hour with my driver while reducing my average score by 4-6 shots. And I finally reached the scratch level!
My consistency has never been greater from being able to play golf every day on my golf simulator and from my speed training with SuperSpeed Golf. The experience has been incredible.
I went with the SkyTrak Package and I couldn’t be happier. The opportunity to play 365 days a year regardless of the weather or time of days has been amazing
The cost is much different than 20 years ago and a complete package can be purchased from 5-7 thousand dollars through Rain or Shine Golf. It is worth checking out.
If you want to go directly to Rain or Shine Golf, use the links below: