If you are a beginner golfer you should sign up for at least a 3-5 lesson package, but spread them far enough out to get better between lessons with the learning that takes place. If you are a more experienced golfer, you will want to assess your goals and consider taking ongoing lessons depending on your goals.
In our journey in golf, we have interacted with many golfers. Some golfers are completely into getting better and will do so at any cost, while others simply want to have some fun while they play golf. Golfers in both categories could benefit from golf lessons and play better and have more fun.
Our goal at golfjourney365 is to enjoy the game as much as possible while playing our best. We love the mental and physical challenge of the game and have explored many different approaches to the game.
One major advantage in today’s golfing world is the access to social media and the amazing online golf instruction that is available. Through this instruction alone, I feel that I have been able to reduce my average score by 4-6 shots.
The other part of this equation was my golf simulator setup in my garage with my SkyTrak Launch Monitor.
Update – Quick Note: A golf lessons is only going to work if you are willing to put the time in post lesson! The greatest instructor in the world might struggle to help you if your don’t spend the time practicing what you learned at the lesson.

How Many Golf Lessons Do I Need?
Ultimately, this will depend on your current skill level, knowledge of the swing and what goals you have for your golf journey. Below we will break our recommendations on how many golf lessons do I need into different categories of golfers. We will talk about the pros and cons at each level of taking additional lessons.
- Beginner
- 20 Handicap and Above
- 10-19 Handicap
- 9 Handicap and Below
Bonus Tips and Drills can be found below.
Beginner Golfer – How Many Golf Lessons Do I Need?
The beginner golfer should sign up for 3-5 lessons, many places will offer a package deal to save you some money in this initial investment. The difficult part in signing up for lessons is choosing the right instructor.
The good part at this point in your golf journey, the majority of the golf instructors can help get you going in the right direction.
The pros of golf lessons at this point is making sure you are at least making a good motion in the golf swing. The grip, stance and alignment, although not fundamentals, should at least be in a similar range.
We know there are golfers that have played great golf with a strong grip or weak grip, open stance or closed stance and many other variations. Your golf lesson can help you grow some knowledge of the golf swing.
At this point when you leave a lesson, you have so much room for improvement that you should leave the lesson striking the ball better
The cons of golf lessons at this point are limited. However, if the instructor doesn’t make you better by the end of the lesson, you should consider the approach that the instructor is using at this point.
Below are the three fundamentals that we believe in here at golfjourney365. If you are working on drills to get better at these fundamentals, we believe you can reach your goal of playing better and more consistent golf.
If one were to study the golf swing, they would quickly learn that there are strong grips and weak grips, open stances and closed stances. Golfers that aim way right and golfers that aim way left. Golfers with a narrow stance and golfers with a wide stance. The main point being is that there are many different ways to hit a golf shot.
Here at golfjourney365, we believe the 3 fundamentals in golf are the following:
- Fundamental 1: The ability to control the bottom of the swing close to 100 percent of the time.
- Fundamental 2: The ability to control the curve of the ball and have a consistent start line.
- Fundamental 3: The ability to have enough power or distance to play the golf course.
When you leave every lesson you should assess whether you are better at these three fundamentals. While we understand that an adjustment in the grip or stance may need to improvements in one of these three areas, we also understand the clarity needed that we need to get better at these fundamentals.
BONUS DRILL: Here is a quick drill that will help you with Fundamental #2:
- Set up an alignment stick somewhere between 6 to 10 feet in front of you at the driving range.
- Hit 10 golf balls and try to start the ball right of the target line.
- See how many golf balls start to the right and if they over curve the target line.
- Keep working on this drill until you can get at least 7 to start to the right and see how many curve back towards the target.
Sounds simple doesn’t it? Give it a shot and track your numbers over time. Once you get really good, try starting it on the opposite side and see if you can control your curve the other way.
Golf is about starting the ball where you need it to start. The game becomes much easier when this happens. We believe this drill is essential for reducing your handicap and scoring better!
One of our goals at golfjourney365 is to help golfers reach some independence and understanding of the golf swing. While lessons are great to get you going, become a student of the game and understand what is taking place.
Having a foundation of following these fundamentals and practicing drills to help you get better, you will have a pathway to get better. Too many golfers aimlessly drift from one plan to the next with now assessment or plan to get to their goal.
20 Handicap and Above – How Many Golf Lessons Do I Need?
This answer will vary depending on your goals and how long you have been playing the game. If you are happy with shooting scores in the 90s and 100s and only play several times a year, then keep having fun.
However, if you are ready to commit some more time and want to start the journey of playing better golf and maybe shooting some scores in the low 80s, we would recommend taking a lesson per month.
The key becomes practicing between these lessons and working on the learning that took place. Hopefully, the instructor will leave you with a drill or two that can help you.
The pros of golf lessons at this point is that just about any instructor can help you get better. The key is the work that takes palce between lessons. Stay with and keep your goals in mind. Also, make sure you review the 3 fundamentals above and keep on working on drills.
The cons of taking golf lessons at this point is that with new technique and drills, you might have a slight implementation drop. However, stick with it and keep practicing the drills.
If you really want to get good at the game fast and reduce your scores, make sure you are practicing your short game. Too many golfers want to work on the full swing 100% of the time, while so many shots in the game of golf happen inside of 100 yards. Make sure you are working on both.
BONUS TIP: Work on OverSpeed Training
At this point in your golf journey, chances are you may lack consistency with ball striking and distance. Did you know there are ways to train to swing faster other than lifting weight and trying to look like Bryson DeChambeau?
I would highly recommend you check out SuperSpeed Golf. This training approach takes about 10-15 minutes per session and you train every other day. The system includes three swing sticks of various weights, two that weight less than your average driver and one that weighs more.
The protocols they provide are scientifically based to increase your swing speed by 5-8% as early as the first session.
Check out SuperSpeed Golf here and use discount code Golfjourney365 to save $10 on your purchase.
Check out our Full review on SuperSpeed Golf
10 to 19 Handicap – How Many Golf Lessons Do I Need?
You are almost there! We know, you get so close to shooting in the 70s, but just can’t seem to find the constituency needed. We would highly recommend tracking some data to see where you are giving away shots. After your assessment seek out specific help in one of these areas. We would recommend working with that person at least once a month.
The pros to lessons at this point is that you are aware of your weaknesses. Chances are you also have a strength in one area, keep working on building that as a strength, while you try to become a more complete player by seeking help in your area of weakness.
The cons at this point is that you must find the right instructor. Too many instructors may want to just go through their standard lesson. Seek someone out that really cares about your game and wants to see you get better. Ask around and get recommendations.
If you strike the ball somewhat decent, you can shoot in the 70s consistently with one major IF. If you have a high level short game. We believe that everyone can have a high level short game through practice. Here is our favorite short game drill.
After hitting 20-30 practice chips shots, take just one ball and grab your favorite wedge and putter.
- Throw the ball down and pick one hole on the practice green.
- Hit a chip shot and see if you can then make the putt for a score of 2.
- Repeat the steps above up to to 10 times and track how many times out of 10 you can get up and down.
- Do this for 3-5 times per practice session, but make sure you track the data.
This drill works because you have to hit various chip shots to various holes and then make the putt. It also helps you become a better putter from 3-6 feet while you feel the pressure of making the putt. You will quickly become better at the short game if you can do this 3-4 times a week.
9 Handicap and Below – How Many Golf Lessons Do I Need?
We know this is a wide range of golfers, but it comes down to how much you want to get better. Seek out the best help available if you are at this point. You must find a quality instructor that will work with you.
The pros to lessons at this point is that you have someone you can rely on to help you strategically improve your swing and your overall game.
The cons at this point is that the wrong instructor could ruin your game. Be careful in the path that you follow.
Overall, once you reach this level the golfer must decide what his or her goals are with the game and the access they have to high level instruction. We would recommend seeking out someone with a Trackman or other similar device and one that has the technology to give the data that is available in today’s game.
If you needed brain surgery, you wouldn’t go to the surgeon that is using technology from 30 years ago would you? Seek out the best in your area or region and commit once you have done your research on this instructor.
One Other Option – Online Golf Lessons
In today’s world of technology and high speed cameras there are different methods to taking online lessons. The advantage to this approach is that you now have access to the best instructors in the world. You may pay a good dollar amount for the best, but it just might be worth it!
Here is a list of golf instructors that we have reviewed:
All of these approaches are somewhat different, but they offer some sort of online lessons and support that can be purchased and utilized. The golfer has to weight the pros and cons or having a top quality online instructor vs a local instructor that might not be as good.
Final Thoughts
Overall, we love the journey that golf takes us on. I constantly am trying to get better and have utilized my SkyTrak Golf Simulator Build to get me to my next level.
Now the question remains how do I take the next step. I currently am working on the master class by Kyle Morris, which is based on a very similar approach to the Mike Bender approach, which I find to be simple to follow and makes sense with how I view the swing.
Here is a recipe you can follow to take your game to the next level:
Take Action – What You Can Do Today to Get Better
What does this mean for you? I believe in the following recipe to get better:
1 – Improve your motion in the golf swing by identifying a golf instructor. Here are some options:
Here is a list of golf instructors that we have reviewed:
2 – Train to swing faster and improve your swing speed. Here are some options:
Looking to gain more Speed and Distance in your swing. Two Options:
3 – Understand course strategy and work to break through your next barrier. Here is a series on breaking through:
We have provided guides on how to break 100, 90, 80 and 70. Check out more below, if interested.
4 – Practice Frequently
Did you know that I build a golf simulator in my garage and have played over 500 rounds of golf on my SkyTrak system? It has been a game changer and one worth checking out. Here are some of my other posts on golf simulators frequently asked questions:
- Is a Golf Simulator Worth It?
- How to Build a Golf Simulator?
- What is the Best Golf Simulator?
- Golf Simulator Accessories?
- How to Build a Golf Simulator for under $7000
- Top 11 Reasons to Buy a SkyTrak
- How to Build a Golf Simulator for Under $1000
- Why Build A Golf Simulator?
- What Space is Needed?
- Can A Golf Simulator Improve My Game?
- How Much Does A Golf Simulator Cost?
- Don’t Forget to Check out our 15 best golf swings of all time.