No, golf is a game of a lifetime and every golfers has great rounds and bad rounds. Keep working and build some skill to increase your number of good rounds. Have a grateful heart and enjoy the challenge, friendship and outdoors!
Are you frustrated with your golf game and are asking the question, “Should I Quit Golf.” I understand the frustration and often have to help my own father talk himself out of quitting the game. His “quitting of the game” usually last about 48 hours before he is itching to get back out there!
We want to help you!
Here at golfjourney365, we have plenty of posts that can help you cure the majority of the swing faults you have. Also, with the internet today, you are only one or two videos away from getting some help and back on the right path.
Golf is supposed to be fun and we have all been frustrated. But, we are not quitters and we think you should continue to play the game, but let’s find some advice to help you fix your issues with your swing or your mindset.

Top 5 Reasons People Quit Golf
- They are struggling with their swing
- They can’t stop slicing or chunking the ball
- Golf takes too much time
- Golf is too expensive
- They are injured
Which category are you in? We have help for 4 out of the 5 reasons below. We hope that you stick with the game and attempt to let us help you out.
Of the 5 reasons above, the only reason we think you should take a break from golf is if you are injured. We understand that a sore back or another injury can make the game no fun and maybe even cause you more damage.
We recommend seeking some help from a doctor and finding out what is wrong, so you can get on the path to recover and maybe enjoy the game once again, once you are healthy.
Reason 1 – They are struggling with their swing
You maybe one of the following golfers:
Golfer 1 – You once played at a really high level and now you are struggling to break 90. Maybe you took a big break from the game due to children in your life, work situations or other events that didn’t allow you to have the time that it takes to play the game at the level you expect.
We would recommend going back to the basics and trying to find some time to work on your game 2-3 times per week. . Even if this means chipping the ball in your backyard or taking 30-40 minutes during your lunch break to visit the local driving range.
The key here is to have realistic expectations. When you reached that really solid level of playing golf it probably didn’t happen overnight. Go ahead and try to find your comfort zone again and go to shot.
You may want to check out this post on losing your swing, here.
Golfer 2 – You have always struggled with golf and after so many years you just aren’t sure you are going to get any better. We would highly recommend seeking a lesson either in person or seeking some advice online. Check out our post on our top 5 online instructors, here. We also have a comprehensive look at online golf instruction, here.
At golfjourney365, we have spent countless hours and years studying the swing and checking out the best that the internet has to offer. We understand that you may not want to spend 100 dollars on a lesson and that is where the online portion can truly help.
We also understand that in the region where you live access to the best golf coaches might not be readily available or affordable. With the internet today, we can take advantage of the best instructors in the world. Many will even offer a swing analysis of some sort if you want to check in on your progress with their system.
Golfer 3 – Are you the senior golfer that is losing distance and the game just doesn’t seem fun anymore? Yes, we can understand where you are coming from. You still want to hit that driver 260 yards and get frustrated with only carrying it 220 yards.
We would recommend two different things to help you. We encourage you to check out SuperSpeed Golf. This system can help you add 5-8% increase in your swing speed, which would help add 20-30 yards. Check out SuperSpeed golf, here. Don’t forget to use discount code Golfjourney365 for a 10% discount.
We also recommend checking out Swing Man Golf, here. This unique approach just may help you add 30-40 yards to your game.
We wrote a complete review on SuperSpeed Golf, here. This is an inside look at my progress with this system.
Lastly, we truly believe in a target based approach and helps the golfer use many of the frequent daily motions we make in life and in other sports. This swing system is specially designed for the Senior golfer, but we fill can help a golfer of any age.
Regardless of where you are at, consider getting some help and don’t quit this wonderful game of golf. Get the right mindset when you head out and celebrate your little success one shot at a time. Keep in mind that golf is supposed to be fun and if you have that mindset you just might have more fun.
Reason 2 – They can’t stop slicing or chunking the ball
Golf can be very frustrating if the golfer can’t get the ball in the air or if it does get in the air the ball slices off the planet. Yes, we understand your frustration.
If you are someone that has never hit the ball straight and dreams of hitting the draw, we would highly recommend checking out the Jim Venetos system.
Before you quit the game of golf, it might be worth check out Jim’s system. It is different from anything else you may have ever experienced, but it works. It worked for me and many others.
For around $30 a month, you can get your personalized coach in Jim who will help you through his swing. This system works for the slicer of the person that can hit the ball solid.
Check out our Post – Jim Venetos: How He Can Help Your Game
If this isn’t for you, then maybe Shawn Clement is. He has a unique approach to the game. If you are tired of trying to get into different positions in the swing and you just want to make a natural swing then Shawn Clement is your instructor.
He has a refreshing approach to the game and does a fantastic job helping you focus on the target and make a natural movement at the ball relying on gravity and everyday motions.
Check out our Post – Shawn Clement Review – Can He Help My Game?
Reason 3 – Golf Takes Too Much Time?
We understand where you are coming from! Nobody likes those 5 hour rounds of golf for 18 holes. Who wants to wait on every shot, just to wait for the next shot. We get it and we feel your pain! We play golf early in the morning and try to beat the rest of the groups out there or late in the evening when the course has cleared out a bit. Here are your three options:
- Play early in the morning – Find a course that has a 6am tee time in the summers
- Play late in the evening – See if a course will let you be the last one off at around 6pm in the summer.
- Play simulator golf
As someone that is busy, I built a simulator golf in my garage. I have now played over 500 rounds of simulator golf and get this…the average round of golf for me takes 30-40 minutes on my golf simulator.
Not only do we get to play fast rounds, we can play the greatest courses in the world from various tee boxes. The ultimate garage or basement setup can be yours and maybe for a lot less that you would expect. We have over 18 posts with golf simulator information. Check out our list of posts, here.
Reason 4 – Golf is Too Expensive
If you have some time on your hands have you considered volunteering at a course in exchange for some free golf. I know some of the metropark courses in my area have a volunteer program and for a 6 hour shift, the volunteers get two rounds of golf per week with a cart. It is a great deal for those looking to trade some of their time and services for golf.
Another option is to check out GolfNow. You can find reduced tee times by as much as 50-75%. I have been able to find some great offers at some non peak times that allow us to play affordable golf at great courses when the course is not as busy. The perfect combination!
Reasons 5 – They are injured
I would get to a doctor, find out what’s wrong and start down the path for recovery. The last thing you want to do is mess with your injury. Seek some help!
Take Action…
Do not quit the game, unless you need to take a break due to injury. Instead if you qualify under reasons 1 through 4, take some action and check out the resources we have provided.
Work to get better and get to the driving range to practice. Start with the L to L drill and work your way up until you have confidence in your swing once again. Golf can be a great game, enjoyed by people of all ability levels and ages. Check out our resources and get back out there. Don’t be a quitter and find a way to get better. We are here to help and have some great info to help you on your golf journey!
We have a series on getting to the next level of golf. Check out our series below:
We have provided guides on how to break 100, 90, 80 and 70.